“When one observes a hyperrealistic painting, the question arises: beyond the exercise of style, beyond showcasing technical prowess, what is the painter seeking when depicting a street, cars, pedestrians? Well, precisely to draw the viewers attention to what they don’t usually see. These buildings, streets, pedestrians …they exist, even when there is no on left to see them.”

“Quand on voit une peinture hyperréaliste, on se pose la question: à part l’exercice de style, à part la démonstration de sa technique, que cherche le peintre lorsqu’il représente une rue, des voitures, des passants? Eh bien, précisément à attirer l’attention du regardeur sur ce qu’il ne voit pas d’habitude. Ces bâtiments, ces rues, ces passants, qui font partie du décor de nos vies, nous les voyons à peine. Cependant ils sont là, même quand il n’y a plus personne pour les voir.”
— Bertrand Meniel

Bertrand Meniel
(1961–) has embraced digital photographic technology perhaps more so than any other Photorealist. The compositions of his paintings are assembled from multiple photographs and incorporate a tremendous amount of detail. Despite working in fast-drying acrylics, Meniel is able to incorporate more information into each of his paintings than any other Photorealist to date. From a technical standpoint, he is unsurpassed. Meniel’s premiere exhibition in the United States was held at the Louis K. Meisel Gallery in 1999, and his first solo show in the U.S. will be featured at the Parrish Art Museum in Beyond Reality: Paintings and Drawings by Bertrand Meniel (October 14, 2024–April 6, 2025). A self-taught artist, Meniel continues to exhibit his work internationally and lives in Boulogne Billancourt, France.